Northampton Transport Heritage News
Our events list for 2025 are on the events page, and of course we must add the proviso that all events are dependant on having enough volunteer drivers and staff to enable us to run the buses. So if you have the odd day free, why not volunteer and help us at just one of the events, it all helps to keep the Charity running.
Just to remind you, for all trips (unless stated otherwise against the event) each membership card allows you to bring one guest, extra guests or non-members can have daily membership for £5.
Northampton Transport Heritage AGM
Was held at the Kingsley Park WMC, Northampton on Sunday 23rd February 2025 at 2.00pm
St James Tram and Bus Depot Videos and Update
We have two new videos of drone footage over the Tram and Bus Depot - the links are on the Save St James Depot page, plus an update on the Depot as of 4th Feb 2025
Northampton Transport Heritage Archives
We have now opened up our archive room every Thursday between 10am and 12pm for visitors, either if anyone wants to look at what we have found, want to help listing or just to do a bit of research, or even donate anything related to Northampton Transport. We have many photos, documents, magazines to look at.
Northampton Borough Council gave us a grant to enable us to progress to this point, we have sorted about 50% of the paperwork we retrieved from the old Bus Depot that was originally in huge bags and boxes, they are now in boxes but still many still to sort out, however I have been logging what we have to create a reference list at some stage.
The Archive room is in the Doddridge Centre, St James Road, Northampton - directly opposite the old Corporation Transport Offices that are now Listed Grade 2.
Anyone is welcome, but if you could message Neil on 07875 283934 or use the contact form if you want a different time or have a request, then I will get back to you.
Northampton Transport Heritage
You will see from the top banner we have introduced a shop for some of our magazines, the first one is our Tramway Booklet priced at £7 including postage and packing.
We will slowly add more items in the new year.

Roade Transport Fair 23 November 2024
The timetable on the left is for buses to the Roade Transport Fair, Buses 267 and 778 are sceduled to run on the day.
Alan Jones
We are very saddened to announce that we very recently became aware of the passing of our very good friend, supporter and long-standing volunteer, Alan Jones. In the past year or so Alan had been ill at times but he still made it to most of our events and was even helping us with our archiving project, including helping lug big bags of documents out the old bus depot offices! Alan was a keen transport enthusiast with a passion for railways too as well as being a professional librarian for well over 30 years but now retired. He was also a keen member of the bus users group as well as a trade unionist who played a full part in the campaign to save our local Libraries. Despite being a quiet, unassuming man Alan helped many people in both his working and voluntary roles over the years and thoroughly enjoyed himself volunteering as a conductor on our buses, where this normally quiet man transformed into a helpful, knowledgeable and reliable person. Despite attending Transport Day as a volunteer back in June, we had not seen Alan since then. Alan passed away in hospital on 10th July after collapsing in town. Alan had no family, being an only child and never married. We were eventually contacted by Alan's solicitor who had been trying to track down friends, in the absence of family. NTH, along with Alan's colleagues at the 21 Group Libraries Network have now been organising Alan's funeral after stepping in before Alan would have been cremated at an unattended service that was due to take place very soon. We would be very grateful if all of you who knew Alan or of him could join us at Alan's service on Monday 28th October, 1015 at the Counties Crematorium, Milton Malsor, and afterwards for a gathering for refreshments at Abington Library. We will be taking the Northampton Crossley – 146 - to the service in Alan's honour. The bus will depart from Lindsay Avenue outside Abington Library at 0915 hours and from Victoria Street at 0930 hours and return after the service and Committal. It is anticipated that, following refreshments, the bus will return at about 1245 hours from the Library to Victoria Street. If you would like to make use of this service please contact us on so we can gauge numbers and provide pick up points. Please share this post amongst your networks as there will be other friends of Alan's who may not know of his passing.
Volunteer for us in 2025
As a charity we rely on volunteers to help us keep the buses alive and supporting the local Community. If you are interested in helping please use our contact page to express an interest. Whether you are a mechanic who likes to get your hands dirty with actual running of the buses, to clean them or just to help on our event days, every bit helps to keep us going and provide the local community with our buses. You could help once a week or just a few hours on event days, or just general help in the background, its all up to you to get involved as much as you want - you get the satisfaction of seeing people and especially younger children, enjoying riding on and touching our lovel old buses.
Northampton Electric Tram "Replacement Service"

Heritage Transport charity, Northampton Transport Heritage (NTH) will be commemorating Northampton’s once proud and important electric tram system that has two important anniversaries; 120 years since the opening of the system on 21st July 1904 and 90 years since closure on 15th December 1934. NTH will run special, commemorative heritage bus, tram replacement services on both anniversary dates of Sunday 21st July 2024 and Sunday 15th December 2024.
All trips will be free and on a first board, first seated basis with no requirement to book and the services will traverse all the former tram routes beginning and ending at the former St James Tram and Bus depot. The building in St James which is currently under threat of demolition was originally the tram car depot, opened in 1904 to much civic pride. The building and electric system replaced the Northampton Street Tramways company in 1901 when the Northampton Corporation purchased the company and embarked on a process of electrification which brought great benefits to the town, with increased social mobility and rate returns from ticket sales. On its opening day the new system carried over 11,600 people when services officially started on the afternoon of 21st July (on the 23rd July, the system carried over 27,000 people). During the morning, the Mayor and Mayoress and civic dignitaries travelled on specially decorated cars across the system before alighting at Abington Park for afternoon tea and speeches. In Mercers Row thousands of townsfolk surrounded the three specially decorated tram cars before their departure to Abington Park in a moment of great civic pride.
The system was brought to a close on the stroke of midnight of 15th December 1934 when tramcar no. 29 ran from Far Cotton to St James driven by the Transport Committee Chair, Alderman Chown, conducted by the Borough Treasurer and to the disdain of the booked crew who were sent back on the replacement bus. The system, over the years, had fallen into disrepair as maintenance and renewal costs had exceeded the costs of replacement by motor bus, partly caused by government taxes and subsidy.
NTH will be running two buses, together, both ex-Northampton Corporation buses of 1946 and 1947 vintage and will depart outside St James Depot at 10.15 which will then travel via the town centre to the former tram destinations of Kingsley, Kingsthorpe, far Cotton and Abington Park, returning to St James at 14.20. The Mayor and Mayoress will be joining the buses at 1400 for a trip to town and back to St James, as they pay their part in commemorating history.
A special 20-page commemorative booklet has been produced by the charity that give a brief history of the system as well as containing some previously unpublished photographs. These are priced at £5.00 and available on the bus or available from their office at Doddridge Centre in St James between 09.00-15.00 weekdays.
Graham Croucher, Chair NTH said; “ This is an important commemoration as it represents a key milestone in the socio-economic growth and development of Northampton. It was a statement of intent by the then civic leaders of transformation and forward thinking that, even in the demise of the tramways and subsequent bus replacement, put Northampton firmly on the map and the envy of many towns across the country. We cannot travel by tram today but you can ride across the former routes on one of our famous “red” buses to commemorate the fact that we did use to operate trams in Northampton!”
- The electric tram system was designed within a budget of £85,000 by the Borough Engineer Alfred Fidler who was also responsible for or oversaw many other important town buildings and projects. Before coming to Northampton he was employed in Blackburn where he worked on the listed Queens Park and other important building as in Southend where he implemented the electric tram system, designed and built the famous Marine Parade, widening of the listed pier structure and the oversaw the Cliff Railway construction in addition to many other projects.
- The General Manager of both tramway systems was Julius Gottschalk but was dismissed by the Council at the outbreak of the 1st World War in 1914 because of his German nationality despite his many years good service to Northampton. His replacement was John Cameron the former electrical engineer who had his apprenticeship on the famous Blackpool and Fleetwood Tramroad system and worked on the famous Laxey system on the Isle of Man before coming to Northampton from Belgium. Mr Cameron oversaw the introduction of the motor omnibus to Northampton and made the operation an efficient and nationally respected transport operation.
- St James Tram Car Sheds and Bus Garage is currently the subject of listing designation application by NTH with Historic England which hopes to save the historic building from demolition since its purchase by West Northants Council. The decision is expected imminently.
- Northampton Transport Heritage is a registered Charity, registered in England and Wales, No. 1994533.
- Timetable information is contained in the booklet or see our social media/webpage or see panel to the left here.

Carbon Capture
Knowing our vehicles are not eco-friendly, we try and offset using Carbon Capture Offsetting - and this is our 2023 contribution.

St James Tram and Bus Depot
We are pleased to announce we have submitted an application to Historic England to List the St James Tram and Bus Depot. It has taken a lot of work and in doing so we have accumulated much more information and details of the construction of the original tramways. There are some of these pictures on our Depot page.

Wellingborough Bus Rally April 2024
Our first event this year is the Wellingborough Bus Rally on 6th and 7th April. We are now running the bus rally side of the event and will be doing local tours on vatious buses from the layby on Castle Way, Wellingborough. More details on the events page, but if you have a vehicle you would like to use in the rally, please download the attached form and return to us as noted at the bottom of the form as soon as possible please.
We will be running a bus from Northampton Railway Station leaving at 9.05 and calling at Victoria Street returning at 4.30 from Wellingborough
Other key NTH Events for 2024 -
Saturday 15 June 2024 - Transport Day at Abington Park
Saturday 7 September 2024 - Daventry Heritage Bus Running Day
Saturday 14 September 2024 - Northampton Heritage Open Day

Save The Depot Campaign
The Northampton Corporation Bus Depot that has a long history since it was built in 1911 has been re-purchased by WNC. We now have a campaign to save all or even part of this historic building for future generations and want to create a Transport Museum and Community centre for the area. Please see our dedicated page for more information over the next few months.
Events for 2024
We will have dates for events listed on the events pages.
We have also acquired a large collection of the late John Childs photograph collection from Northamptonshire Archives and we hope to put a history in pictures of the rebuild of our Crossley VV 9146 onto its own page in the new year.
Northamptonshire Archives have the remainder of the collection with many photographs of Northampton Corporation Transport Vehicles and Documents including fleet lists, disposal information, leaflets and posters.
Heritage Days 2023
We have 2 Heritage events coming up, full details in the posters below. Please come and support us, or read the appeal for Volunteers below - be part of our team.

Heritage Open Days - 2023
We love this event, and so do you! Which is why we have been working really hard behind the scenes negotiating with WNC to make this year's event happen!
Two 'new' vehicles for 2023
Well the time has come to reveal our latest vehicles - full details are on the Vehicles pages.
First is No 260 - GRP 260D - Bristol MW6G/ECW C39F - One of three MW dual-purpose coaches bought new by United Counties (Nos 260-262). This vehicle will be used in 2023.
Next we have No 40 – PBD 40R Bristol VRT/SL3/6LXB with Alexander AL H45/27D body. - One of a batch of 36 similar buses (Nos. 35-70 with varying registration letters) delivered to Northampton Transport Ltd between May 1977 and October 1978. This vehicle runs but is in need of some cosmetic changes and new seats throughout and second doors but may be used in 2023 for static display/sales stand until we can refurbish it.

Mercedes 709D - L381 LBD
We have acquired this bus recently, it was originally a Stagecoach bus that ran in the County and has now been bought and returned to it's 'home'.
It runs well and has been cleaned up so it can be used, we hope to eventually put it back into its original Stagecoach livery which along with its fleet number can still be seen under the current green paint.

August 2022 News
We attended the Buses 2022 Festival at Sywell Aerodrome, Northamptonshire on a glorious hot Sunday 7th August, we took 5 buses to the event - 146, 157, 202, 267 and 654. Whilst 3 of the buses were in the exhibition area 267 and 654 did many visitor trips organised by the Festival organisers.
We were both surprised and delighted to receive the trophy for Best Preserved Double Deck for our 146 - the 1946 Crossley - seen left with our Chairman and the Cup.
146 will be at Roade on 13th August if you would like to see the bus and have a free ride around the village. See our events page for more details