Welcome to Northampton Transport Heritage
Northampton Transport Heritage was formed in 2017, principally to look after three ex-Northampton Corporation Vehicles : ANH 154, DNH 197 and JVV 267G and to secure their future for the public to access and ride upon them. Since then we have acquired in 2020 a former First Bus Volvo B7L Single Decker - MV02 VBZ - a single decker used in Northampton from 2002 - 2012 then in 2021 we were also privilaged take No 146 - VV 9146 a Crossley new to Northampton Corporation in 1946 and we hope to take the remnants of its donor 141 shortly. Another edition to our vehicles in November 2022 is an ex-Stagecoach Midibus Mercedes 709D - L381 LBD which we plan to put back into it's original colours and now we have one of the batch of Bristol VR's PBD 40R added to our collection. Our third new vehicle is a Bristol MW6G with ECW C39F - GRP 260D - which has been purchased by one of our members for NTH use - this vehicle is a United Counties coach new in 1966.
We also have access to other buses that are listed along with more details of our buses on the Vehicles page.
In May 2021 we were awarded Charity Status in England and Wales and leading on from that in June 2021 we applied for and were granted Gift Aid Status
In January 2024 we submitted an application to Historic England to List and Protect the St James Tram and Bus Depot, by the summer we had secured the old Office Block as a Listed Building Grade II, but not unfortunately the main old tram sheds..

As well as our vehicles we have extensive material right from the beginning of Northampton Corporation and we aim to conserve and make available this material to the public via a museum. Our key ethos is to encourage interest and study of our vehicles, and encourage schools, community groups and businesses to get involved and to contact us for availbity of these icons from the past. That is not all though, within our evential aim is to create a transport museum for Northampton AND the shire, we aim to cater for all aspects of the rich transport heritage of town and county, whether it be bus, car, lorry, rail or water. If it is transport related with a Northamptonshire connection, then we are interested.
We are always looking for new members and volunteers, so why not join us, just use the contact form and we will get back to you.
We produce three or four newsletters per year and have regular members outings and meetings with guest speakers, plus we havd regular 'maintenance' days where members are encouraged to get involved and help clean and maintain our vehicles.
We believe that our vehicles are equally important as any building. Historically as icons in Northamptonshire we actively work with local authorities to promote our heritage and bring them to the public at events and displays

Help wanted to keep our buses running
Our buses are always in need of work being carried out to keep them in a useable condition. This may involve some minor repairs or more likely cleaning and polishing. We need your help, as members, to achieve this and hopefully maintain and improve the appearance of the buses. If you are able to spare an occasional two or three hours on a Thursday morning to help then please contact Graham on 07841 678018 for more details. We supply the cleaning kit and you will get a cup of tea and a biscuit!